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Sunday, 11 March 2012

Training Plan Update, Week 5 of 10; Saturday's Ride; Other Stuff

Weekly Goals = MTB 8 hours, Road/Trainer 3 hours, Weights 3 hours

Week 5 Actual = MTB 6 hours, Road/Trainer 4.5 hours, Weights 2.5 hours, Hockey 1 hour.

Current Weight = 195 lbs.

Saturday's Ride

Saturdays is a group ride from Bicycleworks.  The temperature got down to about -8 C on Friday night so the trails were frozen solid, which made for IDEAL hard pack trail conditions at the start of the ride at 8:00AM.  It was BritishBob's birthday so he got to pick the route, and chose the 'Classic'...a series of technical, twisty trails with several serious technical climbs and descents; really a great choice for the perfect conditions.  Conditions made for a fast fun 2 hour ride.

There were heavy winds during the week that left some branches and sticks on the trail.  I must have picked one up on one steep twisty descent; broke a spoke which then wrapped around my rotor and wedged itself between the rotor and pad in the brake.  The back wheel immediately locked.  Luckily out of our group of ten riders, Martin, Frank and Fig were behind me; and Martin is a Honda motorcycle mechanic.  So Martin managed to get the wheel un-wedged, Frank pulled out the offending spoke and put it in my pack, and Fig and I watched (Fig is a great supervisor; I should get him a white helmet)...and we were back on the way; sprinting off to catch the rest of the group.

The only other incident during the ride was that Paul got to try out the rape whistle on his new Camelback...can't tell you more than that (what happens on the trail stays on the trail?).

Otherwise, it's supposed to get up to 16 degrees C, for Sunday (today), so I am off for a 9AM road ride with Fig, NewfieSteve, and CheeseLegs.  I will let you know if I survive!!


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