In fact, Friday was too wet on the trails and the road for my no ride. Made up for it with a couple of brews at a social evening with the True Grit crew. What is this True Grit thing?? Can't's a secret...or something.
Anyways, Saturday the trails were still too wet and mudded for my liking. But had to get some kind of ride in so pulled out the cross bike...and peeled off a few kms on spongy rail trail, and sloppy gravel before giving in and finishing the last kms on the cold windy pavement. I didn't dress nearly warm enough...stopped in at BicycleWorks for a warm up stop then spun home frozen after 2.5 hours of ride time...metis popsicle.
Sunday, was dry enough to hit the trails. So planned some fatbike with NewfieSteve and BicycleWorksPaul. Giant picked up a brand new, shiny carbon Fatboy from BicycleWorks Saturday he planned to join us and test the new bike....and his recovering broken shoulder. As it happened...Steve and Paul both bailed on the it was just Giant and me. Bad news for me to try to keep up to him.
3.5 hours later, 885m of climbing....on fatbikes...gave his bike and his shoulder a good test; and Giant-pace gave my lungs a test. Legs are still sore today! No crashes...nary a all is good!!
Haven't seen Blaze on a bike this weekend...don't know if he has given up the sport...or likely just too busy organizing new bicycle clubs (which is just one of the things he is apparently very good at). Like this True Grit thing??
Oh yeah...its a secret...but I can likely say this much...
True is the name of a new bike club to be associated with BicycleWorks (the best bike shop in the universe....and that's no secret!). I believe they are working on a logo...with this rendition getting some consideration...
And I believe they are working on some kit designs....nothing yet determined...but this could be one of the top secret options...
And the True Grit people I met at the social on Friday, were all awesome. Such a wide range of great people!! So...look for the new logo and kit (or something similar) on the trails and in the race paddocks next season!!
I hope that ApexTed can work his secret magic and make me look as fast in the new kit as he did in the previous...
My fave Apex pic!
Anyways...that's all I can say about that...cuz it's a secret. Or maybe I am just making it all up...
Is it a dog or a cat???
Anyways...I do have a big secret to reveal on Thursday...
And now Lois is worried...she thought those pics were gone forever!
Till then, then...
Stay posted!!