Is This A Logo??

Is This A Logo??

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Bring A Chair!!

Lois says to remind everyone to bring a chair!!  So that's done.

Lois always has much to say.  I had a beer Sunday after the Riot ride (trying to keep Oggie in sight), I stood up from the couch and said, "Whew, that beer went right to my head!"
Lois said, "You're staggering!"
I said, "You're pretty attractive, too dear..."

Anyways, (sorry about that bad joke) the chair thing pertains to the FreedomBurn ride this Friday.  If you are attending, please bring yourself a chair.  There will be opportunity to socialize post ride....and sitting on the ground may not be ideal.

Post ride there will be a firepit.  Lois is frantically trying to determine what manner of food to prepare (heads up; we don't eat meat, so food options will not involve meats).  JennR is said to be preparing cookies...  

Other reminders (again):

Please be on time...ride will start sharply at start times.  (7am for 160...9am for 50 and 100s)

There are parking options down the road from our home. (see previous posts for details).

The routes posted in previous posts may vary depending on conditions.  Some trails may have to be bypassed...but the planned stops will still be in place.

Bring a chair.  (Not on the ride...but for after)...  OK, I won't mention it again...

There is a poll on the event page to let us know which distance you are doing. If you haven't answered it please do.

This won't be a speed-fest.  This will be more of a group ride style of ride.  However, you are responsible for you...come prepared to take care of yourself as you would for a solo ride.

There will be 2 water stops for the 160km group, and one for the 100km group as in a previous post.  Otherwise bring enough nutrition and hydration for your needs.

Finally, the whole lawyer talk, you are doing this at your own risk.  This is a ride you are choosing to do as your choice your discretion.  As said, you are responsible for you.

Just being up front.  Especially after spending 11 hours yesterday in a medical facility, I will be riding with a bit of an injury (hence no speed fest).

Then get home and this happens...

Then I find out my neighbour is stalking me.  She's been googling my name on her computer.  I know, cuz I saw it with my telescope last night.

Then my therapist tells me I'm too preoccupied with vengeance.  We will see about that...

OK all joking are liable and responsible for you.  So let's ride, have fun, love the burn and keep going...while supporting a great cause.

Remember, the intent of this is to help support Jeff Ward's very worthy cause.  Freedom help a deserving teen, who might not otherwise have the opportunity, to enjoy a bike and experience the love of cycling.

To donate send an e-transfer to with the security question 'What cause are we supporting?'  And the answer FreedomBike2018

OK...lets hope for great weather...see you Friday...and...

Stay posted!

                                                           Get your own chair!!

Monday, 19 March 2018

FreedomBurn Update

So hopefully everyone survived St. Patrick's day weekend...

Anyways...I guess it's bad to get off track before the blog post even starts??

So...FreedomBurn update...
So it looks like all the route leaders are in place for this little ride...

Thank you very much to RobT who will be leading out the 50km group...and to Unglued who will be leading out the 100km group.  Both of these groups will be leaving at 9am.

I will be leading out the 160km group at 7am.

For more details see the previous posts on this blog (all of the 2018 posts actually...there's not that many...I've been rather lazy...); and, hey I actually learned some technology stuffs and created an events page for FreedomBurn on Facebook!

So...if I may ask, even if you have already let me know by message or email, if you would still go to the event page and indicate your intention to attend I would appreciate it.  It will give me a running total of how many will be showing up.  And it will let Lois know how many to plan grub for...

Anyways...sorry...getting off track...again...

A couple of reminders:

The routes will not be marked, as I do not have the resources for this will happen more as group rides.  It won't be slow, all of the leaders are experienced riders...but it won't be race if you want to go faster than your group (or for some reason lose track of your group), make sure you know your route (routes posted on a previous post).

Not this map...

This is intended to be a fun (but long) day on the bike with fun folks, with the intention to support Jeff Ward's worthy cause Freedom Bike, since Jeff is unable to do the Tilsonburn this year.  To donate to Freedom Bike send an e-transfer to Jeff at with the security answer FreedomBike2018.

This is an unsupported ride (with planned stops for the 160 and 100km routes for water and...), so come prepared to take care of yourself.

There is not parking at my home but there is plenty of parking down the road at Valley Community Centre Park at 287 Old Guelph Road...and there is a washroom, of sorts, there...

287 Old Guelph Rd, Dundas, ON L9H 5W8

And there is also a small parking area at the top of Old Gueph Road...

398 Old Guelph Rd, Hamilton, ON L0R

Bring a lawnchair!!

And there are other reminders that I cannot remember right now...I am actually surprised I remembered as many of the remembery things as I have.  I tend to lose track easily...

Yeah....kind of like that...

Which is also why I always get Lois to proofread these posts...

Also...I may be a little distracted as I have re-injured (broken?) my thumb on a mtb ride last Saturday.  Tested it on a (little?) road ride on Sunday, it is painful and swollen but survived the road ride....but it may be mostly road for the next couple (6?) weeks.  So...still good to go...

So...maybe more of an update than you possibly expected...

There will be more...

Stay posted!!

Monday, 12 March 2018

FreedomBurn - The Routes and More

So, got to designing potential routes for the Good Friday FreedomBurn...and here they are.  (Why waste time with prose of glorious rides, or gnarly cat pics, right?  OK...there will be time for that too....but first...the routes...)  Click on the route pic to go to the actual strava feed.

The 50(ish) km route will basically incorporate trails from my house out to Christie Lake and Dundas Conservation area and back...a fun ride...including a couple of good climbs...

The 100(ish) km route.  Trails out to Christie, Dundas, then some road out to Valens for a Buttertart, re-water/refuel stop...then the gnarly doubletrack/fire road LaFarge trail back down Middletown road through Christie again....and back.

The 160(ish)....OK it looks like it may be more like 175(ish) km.  Trials to Christie, Dundas, railtrail out to BicycleWorks Paul's farm for water stop #1, where Paul will guide us on some of his local gravel...then gravel and road up to Valens for Buttertart/water stop #2, then the LaFarge trail back down Middletown road through Christie again....and back.

Sounds nice, clean, and simple...but 160+ kms is no small feat...and includes some gnarly come prepared.  (This is totally a self supported ride!!)

no small feet?? will be run as a group ride (as I don't have the resources to get out and put up signs and arrows before the ride).  So, if you wish to go on ahead...just study the route well and don't get lost.

The 50km is simply an out and back with no preplanned stops.  So either follow your leader (whom I still need to find!!  Or know the route well...)

As mentioned above the 100(ish)km has a stop planned at 97 General store (buttertart!!) kilometre 58 on the route map.  In case you get off route you could meet back up with your group here.  Address for the store is 1817 Regional Road 97, Galt, near Valens conservation area.  (I also need to find a ride leader for this route!!  Anyone...anyone...Buehler???)

CaptButtertart at the 97 General Store with a buttertart!!

The 160(ish) will have two preplanned stops, again as mentioned above.  The first will be at BicycleWorksPaul's home on Barton road outside of  Brantford.  This is at approximately km 54 of the ride.  (When you let me know that you are coming for the ride I will message you the exact address...).  The second stop will again be at 97 General store (buttertart!!).  I will be leading this route.  If you have ever ridden with me you will know I am not brutally slow, but I am also not blazing fast ... so if you wish to ride ahead make sure you know the route...then we can regroup at the stops.  Although, if you are not used to 160+kms...its not such a great idea to go out at rocket pace...just sayin'...

So...anyways...that's the plans for the FreedomBurn so far. donate to the cause send the e-transfer to Jeff Ward...the normal progenitor of the Tilsonburn and of Freedom

And if anyone wishes to help me lead the 100 and 50 km routes...let me know!!

So...a bit of a switch of gears.  I have actually been riding/ prepare for the upcoming season...and to be in a little bit of reasonable shape for this FreedomBurn ride.  So far it has been frozen enough early mornings to get on on the mtb trail...on various mountain bikes...

some fatness

Even a single speed 29er...

Sometimes solo...but usually with the super fast, super technically-able BicycleWorks group...

Seriously, these folks are so fast, and gifted it is a huge challenge for me to keep them in sight on the trails.  These rides are only 1.5 - 2 hours long, but it's always better to ride with a fun group....especially a group that challenges you to be better.

Which is why it has been great, on my Sunday rides, to have a great group help push me through some longer rides.  Lately they have been rides to help scope out the Freedomburn routes...which always end with some great food and beverages prepared by Lois...for us to come home to...

In fact, a couple of welcome new faces this past Sunday...thanks for coming out RossM (M stands for Mail), and PaulD (D stands for Tall!!)...hopefully you keep coming out!  Oggie also made it out again...although he tried to ditch us and get to the buttertarts first...and got himself lost.  He did eventually show back up...a story for another day.  March 30th coming soon...need to get in shape fast!!

So, yes Good Friday soon upon is, so if you are planning to attend the FreedomBurn please let me know as soon as possible as Lois needs to know how much post ride goodness to prepare for.  (Yes...she is an angel...and a great chef!).  And maybe a keg may be required.  If you need more info about the ride, please let me know or check my recent past blog posts.

And if you can not make it, still feel free to send a donation to Wardy if you so choose.

Otherwise...get out there...ride...get ready for some fun/pain/hurt-so-goodness!!

Stay posted!