Is This A Logo??

Is This A Logo??

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Falls in the Fall

So beauty weather here today...if you are an Inuit duck, perhaps.  So no riding for this cat.  Luckily, I got a couple of rides in this week since the big Jessie ride on the weekend.  Monday was mostly recovery, off the bike, day.  However, Tuesday I made the opportunity to ride the Raijin, once again set up single speed.

Back in it's natural state...

My intention was to ride the various Falls trails (twists, and roots, and rocks) from my house, to the Spencer Creek Trail, to Christie Lake trails, and to Dundas Conservation trails, and back.  As I got into the Falls trails though, I encountered so many hikers/tourists I had to ditch and take the road to the Spencer Creek trail.  At first I was surprised to see so many hikers on a Tuesday afternoon, but I believe they wanted to see what could be the last vestiges of the fall colours in the Dundas valley...

view from Dundas Peak (not my pic)

...and the fall view of the various waterfalls in the area...

(again, not my pics...I am not that good of a photog...)

So...onto the Spencer Creek trails, then into Christie Lake trails...

Never made it to the Dundas trails...

It is just so much fun at Christie.  The volunteer trail builders have put so much work into the trails...and they are so flowy and bermy, you can rail them at any speed.  And the trail builders took the previous years logging (forest maintenance??) 'leftovers' to make a couple of new features.  And single speed friendly...there are no crazy hike a bike climbs.  And I am not sure how they did it, but the trail builders did it in such a way that the trails flow in either direction.  Kind of like this guy?

Taco cat

Anyways I found myself staying at Christie longer than planned...repeating Ebb & Flow a couple of times...the flowy Trillium trail...and the others...until it was time to head back...

So maybe Dundas next time....

Yesterday I managed to get out for a short blast on our local Waterdown trails.  I say short, but the punchy, steep, technical (roots, rocks, twists), ups and downs of our local trails while fun as heck, always give you more of a workout than you are looking for.

And so...what is up this coming weekend?

Well, for me on permitting...I plan on heading to Barrie area where a local guide...

...well not quite that kind of guide...

Nope...not that kind either...

A local rider from the Bike Zone race team has offered to guide on some of the local trails...many that I have not yet ridden.  NewfieSteve is joining...and Fig is considering; and there is room for more!  Should make for a great day of trail riding...just in time to consider that Simcoe County Mountain Bike Club membership...

Also Saturday, if you are into cyclocross racing, is the Cookie Cross race in Toronto.  I think the Lapdogs may be somehow involved with this race.  Contact Blaze to find out more...just kidding on that...Unglued may be the more appropriate contact person in this case.  I believe that pre-reg for the Cookie Cross ends tonight at midnight at    So if ya want in...get on it!

Then on Sunday, it is the Big Ass Night Ride in Dundas from the Shawn & Ed Brewing Co.  However, this event is now SOLD if you didn't get signed up...look forward to next year!  A couple of hundred riders night lights on the Dundas trails is a sight to see; and all the various crazy costumes.  Too bad...I was considering wearing my Halloween kit too...

And I found Fig a great Halloween bike...

Anyways...I may be getting out of hand perhaps time to call it.  Heading to the gym...since this weather is not ride compatible today...

Whatever you have planned for this weekend, have fun...ride safe!
Report to follow on Tuesday...

Stay posted!

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Jessie's Ride

So, last Friday I made my way safely home from Saskatchewan (yes, I traveled by airplane...not bike...this time...).  I don't think the humans there care that I have left...but apparently the pets miss me...

My sister's cat, Pailsey.

And her puppies, Chase and Coco have taken turns sitting at my spot on the couch...

Anyways...mountain biking...sadly, while I was away I had missed Jessie The Machine's wild Owen Sound to Wiarton ride which happened on Wednesday.  Reports were that it was a crazy kind of fun.  A total of 60 kms...including roughly 50 kms of technical, twisty, very rocky, rooty singletrack...connected by sections of fireroad and gravel.  Not fast and flowy...yet fun, in a physically punishing kind of way.  Just my kind of ride.

So...I talked Jessie into doing it again this past Sunday...(I am convincing like that).  I'm not sure he was completely recovered from the ride on Wednesday...but lucky for me, he was willing to do it again.

Also lucky for me, I talked Fig into joining!  (I am convincing like that).  Actually, I may not have told Fig the entire truth.  I told him it would be fun, and bring lots of food.  (Fig tends to bonk frequently).  I may have left out the bit about 60 kms, and very rocky technical...

Anyways, around 6am Sunday, Fig and I leave for Owen Sound.  Initially the drive was great...Fig's yapping keeping me awake...although perhaps not totally aware.  Coming out of Chatsworth, not even 15 minutes from Owen Sound...the familiar yet terrifying police lights behind me.  I had apparently accelerated from a 50kph zone too early...speeding. I pulled my drivers license from my wasn't there.  I had left it in my pants pocket as it was my flight ID in my travel from Saskatchewan.  Anyways...the OPP officer saw fit to not charge me with speeding (am I convincing like that??), and only for not providing my license.  $110...could have been worse.

Anyways...made it to Jessie's house before 9am...did the shuttle drive to drop my truck in Wiarton...then back to Jessie's to start the ride.  We were off by 10:30am, Jessie on his fatbike, me on a Fatboy with 29+ wheels and tires, and Fig on his full sus 29er.  A few kilometers of rail trail....then we were into the trails.  So much fun, and as reported...VERY rocky, rooty single track...including steep, punchy rock-ups, and a massive rocky double track climb.  A slip of my back wheel...resulting in me bashing my knee into the stem, had me release some tire pressure.

wounded knee

The constant rocky up and overs, and the upper body maneuvering required kept one redlined, even at the slow speeds.  And, as reported...the twisty, technical sections (most of the ride), were connected by a couple of fireroad and gravel sections.  What was not reported was that these included two massive fireroad climbs.  Fig and Jessie were laughing at me...cuz on the climbs I inadvertently cursed DanOfSubstance as these are the kind of 'spectacular and fun' climbs he includes in his races...

Anyways, it was easy to tell that the trails were quite Fig was almost silent for the first two hours of the ride...until he got into it.

A section of trail...leaf obscured...

Then, in a steep rocky dip and up....the downed leaves must have hidden a sharp rock in the dip...and I found it.  With a bang, and a whoosh of burped air from my back tire I climbed the up portion of the dip, I had dinged my back rim enough to lose most of the air in my tire.

After about a half hour of trying to re-inflate the tire (Jessie has an awesome portable fatbike pump!), but the ding was significant enough to not allow the bead to seal regardless of the repeated attempts.  Finally, install a tube, pump it up to million psi to not have another pinch flat...and we were off again.

Otherwise we did not have any significant mechanicals or crashes.  However, Fig did manage to unclip and run out of a slow-mo endo while his bike tumbled.  His front brake then functioned intermittently which was a bit of a problem on this type of trail.

We did happen to find a few hikers.  A young blonde girl seemingly in the middle of nowhere...

I don't remember mountains on this ride...

A lost looking fella, that Fig joked with about losing his girlfriend???  And a couple of older ladies walking a daschund, and admiring Jessie's fatbike.  Otherwise not another soul encountered.

We did make a couple of stops to feed and water, and recover...

A stop at the top of one of the DanOfSubstance climbs...

And to check out the views....

My picture taking skills do not do this cliff side view justice.  It was a huge cliff, with nothing to protect the viewer except the very small cedars on the edge to give the illusion of safety...which is why we stayed well back...

Still couldn't get the significance of the cliff in the pic...but still quite the view...

Then finally...out of the trails...totally pooched from the hours of riding and maneuvering...then a short road ride into Wiarton.  What should have been a relaxing recovery to finish...but no...Fig and Jessie had to make it a race to the truck...just to make sure I was totally destroyed...

4 hours, 48 minutes of riding time.  6 hours, 20 minutes after we had started...we were done.  Jessie's wild ride accomplished.  All in all...a GREAT time...although I may hurt for a few days after this one.

And we managed the drive home without the assistance of any police officers.  Finally home, where I was lucky enough to have Lois serve my trashed self supper and drinks...(I am convincing like that).

...topless...nope...(I am not that convincing...).

Nope...not that convincing either... update on my wheel.  It did survive the remainder of the ride...and took it into the best bike shop in Waterdown yesterday...BicycleWorks.  Where Paul hammered it back into shape...literally... was a little disconcerting to watch...but it is as good as new!!  Seriously, the best service in the world at BicycleWorks!  No, I am not above unabashed promotion, where it is warranted.  Thank you Paul!

Anyways...that's my weekend.

Now I have to go help Blaze remove his boat from the water...
And maybe fit in a ride on the once again single speed set up Raijin!
I will let you know Thursday...

Stay posted!!

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Well...what a week...for me, that is.  Finally heading home today, after a week of visiting as much family as could be fit in (oh yes, I have a shite ton of family...that I know about)....and all of their pets (and oh yes, they have more pets than I can name, or count...).

Apparently I am a bit of an arse when it comes to pic taking...

Apparently back to the camera, looking at the floor is bad form...

My brother is much better...

Or not...

No goofy faces allowed...

Finally a half descent pic taken...

My brother and two out of five) sisters...

More sisters...

And pets...

Yeah...that is my daughter's 'cat' Felix...

Anyways...this is a mountain bike blog...sort of...sometimes.
Actually...I feared that on this trip, that this would be the extent of my bike activity... addition to family I managed to fit in visits with long lost freinds.  One of them, Chris (whom I taught high school with in a former life) does ride bikes.  So we managed a couple of rides...

Monday, on a medium (I am a large) Devinci hardtail, through the city of Saskatoon in a biting -3 degree prairie wind; dropping into the trails surrounding the Saskatchewan River, and back.  Just felt good to be back on a bike after a week off...on new trails, and catch up with a good freind.  Chris' spouse thinks it is weird how we can, after 4 years, just say Hi...jump on bikes, and go.  Must be a guy thing??

Then Wednesday, again with Chris, on a medium Fatbike (a 2014 Kona Wo), through some great muddy, leafy, twisty singletrack...with continuous punchy climbs and and drops...the perfect trails for fatbikes.  So much fun!  But too short...needed to repeat the ride...if only time allowed.

I got back to my sister's home (where I am currently staying) mother (who also lives here) asked, "How was your ride?".  
I said, "Great...even though a coyote bit my leg."  (There are multiple coyote warnings on the trails...).  
Mom said, "Oh my god!  Did you put something on it!?".
I replied, "No, he liked it plain."
My sister had to explain that I was joking.

Actually we did witness a hawk attack a magpie and carry it off during the ride...seriously.

Anyways, you can check out the rides on the Strava widget on the right border of this page if you are so inclined...

A couple trail pics...(I really should have taken more trail/bike/rider pics....but again...ApexTed declined the offer to come with...).

If you notice...I am trying hard to avoid any more American political jokes.  The whole thing is a joke on its own, unfortunately.  So I will leave it alone...this time.  (I am sure both Andrea and Oggie are thankful).

Anyways...looking forward to getting back to my Lois, and my home.  So short one today...I have to get to the airport.  Especially since DanOfSubstance doesn't have the TransCanada Mountain Bike Race route plotted out yet...I have to resort to taking an airplane other than my bike...

Then some Ontario trails Friday??  Weekend??
Hoping the forecasted rain stays away!

I will let you know...

Stay posted!!

One of my aunt's 'cats'.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Hot at home,cold here...Not so punny... I am in is -3 degrees....and raining.  Lois tells me it is going to be plus 32 at home today.  I always pick the right times...or not.

I am mostly here as vacation...visiting friends and family (and their pets...don't worry I will spare you pet pics...maybe....oh, and way too much eating)...but trying to get a couple of rides in...maybe even thrice!!  (Ha...I fit in the word 'thrice'!)

I know people who are not from the prairies tend to think there is nothing but flatness here...(meaning how can you mtb that?)...and they are mostly right...

However, there are a couple of areas...specifically Cypress Hills in the southwest of the province; and the Qu'Appelle valley which runs through the heart of the province; both provide ideal conditions for great mtb trails.  Both have the potential to be mtb Meccas...if someone had the wherewithal to get that going.  Mountain biking is not that big of a thing in Saskatchewan...yet.

Yeah...I know...I am a terrible picture taker...I need to start bringing ApexTed out with me...everywhere. Ted??

I don't think I will get to ride out in the valley while I am out here...but I did manage to get to ride with a friend around the Saskatchewan River in and about Saskatoon yesterday...hoping to get a fatbike ride in today and/or tomorrow.  Otherwise just more visit...and eat.

Meanwhile this last weekend in Ontario...the Sausage Suit ITT happened.  Another one of DanOfSubstance's (Substance Projects) unique brainchilds...again a fun event!!  

Apparently, according to my from far away intel...the race was dominated by Fatboy Nation...

And team WinterForrest...

Anyways, I guess I should get my winter gear on (remember...-3 degrees here)....and if I can pull myself away from family, food, and the debacle that is the American political race...

Actually, I shouldn't pile on to the Donald...with the election rigged, and the one sided media and all...they are hiding the true stories...

Apparently, there is a danger Hillary may have to drop out of the race after they found a brain defect during her last colonoscopy.  
But it is OK...Bill usually chose someone other than Hillary, so why shouldn't the voters....
Apparently, Bill caused a bit of an uproar when he was caught hitting on Bruce Jenner during the last debate...
And even Monica is on Hillary's side, encouraging her with a "Good luck...don't blow this."

Anyways...I better be careful...Hillary has agents everywhere...

OK then...sorry if I am getting terribly politically incorrect here.  I am usually much more conservative in what I say...or maybe not.  

I have to get out and ride anyways...(seriously, +32 in Ontario today???, and I am putting on winter gear here???).  Lois is worried that I am developing a bit of an addiction, mountain biking while on vacation.  I assured her I am ok...she has reason to worry though.  At one time I had a bit of a soap addiction, but I am clean now...

Anyways...bad pun...I have a ton of them...which is exactly why I better end this now...
Which means I will save some for you for Thursday!  

Stay posted!!

                       Well...Thursday's blog post of course!!!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Clean Up

They said, but you weren't in the Lapdog's group ride photo, they said.  I said...oh, OK at pic Darcie took...

So there I was.

And so...Darcie says to me about half way through the ride, "You are not a Lapdog, but I recognize you from somewhere."
Me:  Perhaps from your dreams, ma'am??
Darcie: No...wait, are you that 'Active & Attractive' Facebook page guy?
Me:  No, I am just that Active guy...
Darcie: Oh, are that Riot On Racing guy!!
Me:  There have been rumours, ma'am...

Anyways...looking forward...what is this weekend?

Substance Projects has the Sausage Suit ITT on Saturday.  It is a mountain bike individual time trial sort of race...with camping and BBQ to follow.  Up in Dufferin Forest country.  Sounds like one giant ball of fun!!  If you ain't in on it yet...get to it!

And there is likely some cyclecrossy thing going on is that season.

For me...I will be taking a rather undeserved break.  I am heading to Saskatchewan today to visit family.

I am a little worried...this is the current state of affairs out there...

So not sure I will get a chance to ride.  I am bringing my winter gear, just in case...I will have access to a mountain bike, and a fatbike, while I am we shall see.

I may also have a special warmy blanky....

Regardless...will need to find some form of exercise while I am there...or avoid all forms of bannock (that won't happen...).  Otherwise I will come back looking like an old Chumlee....and can't have that.

And...not sure how I may or may not be able to post blog posts...may have to experiment with the I will not be bringing my computer.  I am not sure they have computers in Saskatchewan.  I think the teepee has a plug for one though...

And it is always dangerous when I experiment with the iPad...often end up with pics that I could never post this....

Anyways...I will do my best to figure it out...if you don't hear from me for a know why...or Lois has had me taken out by the Metis mafia...

Let's see what happens on Tuesday!
For now, I am going to see if I can sneak a ride in before I have to get to the airport.

Have a great weekend, and...

Stay posted!