Is This A Logo??

Is This A Logo??

Monday, 26 January 2015

Winter Sights??

So, EnglishJim tried to convince us he is spending the winter curling (usually a sport reserved for those who can't skate).  However there is now pictorial evidence that he has actually taken up snowmobiling...

Sorry...I guess I should have given you a little more warning...

Actually there have been reports he has been seen on a MTB in Dundas this past weekend!!  At least we know he is still alive!!

Haven't heard from Giant in a while either.  There is speculation that he is back stuck in his hole...

Actually the truth is that he is doing a ton of secret watch out for him this spring!

As far as my winter training, I have been on the trainer only when necessary.  I have had the Epic out in the snow...

But the shock does not like the I decided to make the Raijin my winter bike...
Recent conditions have made the trails exceptionally icy, it was almost man overboard...

Don't worry....this didn't happen...

And to make sure it doesn't, I have resorted to putting studs and a rear derailleur on the Raijin for the winter...

So who else is still winter riding??  There have been signs...




CptSydor and VVagabond have resorted to cross training...

The less hardy now ride inside...misconceptionz, Blaze??

And this week we are supposed to get a ton of snow....

The fatboys will be back out again!  And speaking of fatboys, my last foray onto a weight scale showed me at 191 lbs.  Don't worry I won't get to this point...

I have about the same chance of looking like this...

Woah!!  OK...sorry about that....don't know how that got in there!

Anyways, so yes....still training...still dropping the holiday weight....or trying to.  And now looking to what races will fit into the 2015 schedule.

I have only registered for the P2A so far, and will likely also do the Steaming Nostril this 'spring'.  I have not registered but am committed to solo singlespeed for the three 8 hour races, and am committed to soloing the 24 hour Summer Solstice.  I am considering the OCup series.

I also enjoy Substance Projects' XC Marathon series, so those races will be on the agenda.  Substance Projects has also run a very fun 100 mile MTB race in the past, but the rumour is that this won't happen for 2015 (sad times!!!).  So I am considering this race:

Looks like fun, in a region I have never ridden....and follow it up with a 100 mile road Gran Fondo the next day!!

Let's see what happens!  Until next week...

Stay posted!!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Moron Winter Training

So Blaze recently suggested I should post every day ... when I finished laughing and threatened to get my Killer Kanga after him

Sorry about Kanga's language...he is a bit of a nasty character....but very loyal, as Kanga's go...

Anyways ... I relented and said I'd try to put something together each week...without being even more boring than normal...

Yup, everyone's a critic...

In my last post I may have mentioned a few times that I may have put on a bit of weight over the holidays (a bit???  I was up over 200lbs!!)....yeah that was all muscle....yeah, yeah, that's it...
Now??  Currently down to 194...goal is 180 by end of February...write that down (yes, again).

Then I will be on my way back into my mid-season fitness...

Yeah....that's the new BicycleWorks kit...

Anyways...when I hit 180 we will have a party (Just so I can put it all back on again)...

WTF does this pic have to do with anything mountain-bikish??  I don't's Christopher Walken...he is cool in a weird sort of way...just like most MTBers...

Anyways, back to my MTB stuff...and my fat belly.  Just so you know...if you ever get there...when you hit age 50+ the laws of physics and the principles of bio-chemistry go out the window.  It IS possible to eat 6 ounces of pizza, and gain 10 lbs....don't ask me how that works, it's just the way it is.  Then it takes 10,000 calories worth of work, to burn off 500 calories worth of body fat...don't really know how that works either...must be some weird quantum string chaos theory stuff.  Ask CptSydor he will explain it to you...he is a scientist...

As far as training goes...when the tempurature is above -10ish I try to be on the bike as much as possible.  Here are a couple of pics (thanks to JeffS) from last week in Dundas Valley...

Actually, on my drive home from this ride, I was coming up highway 6 off of York Blvd on ramp, when a small doe leaped over the guard rail to my right, sped across the highway in front of me (I barely missed her by less than 4 ft!!).  She leaped over the 3ft tall median (cleared it by 2 ft....way better bunny hopper than me!!) and, catching a very fortunate break in traffic (especially on Hwy 6), dashed safely across the highway.

Yup...I was that close to venison steak for supper!!

Anyways, when the temp gets below minus 'stupid', I have been on the trainer, or out jogging (really, I have been running)...

So true!!  I am not used to the hurts!!  But it I am told...and gets me outside even on minus 'stupid' days.  Although we complain about the weather here in Central Ontario...we are so not tough...

This is my sister...(seriously)...

She lives in Saskatchewan.  She runs marathons.  She trains outside in -50 (that is even below minus 'stupid').  Now that is tough.  They make them tough back home...I have 5 sisters and a brother...all are tougher than me; a story for another day...

The sun comes out briefly in June in Saskatchewan during the Summer Solstice...

This is a warm August day back home...

Well that got off track fast!!

So, yes...trainer, jogging...and though this week is supposed to be a bit of a break off the bike, it warmed up enough yesterday that I had to get a ride in...a bit of a recovery (from the jogging) snow ride...

It is a bit of a blizzard out there today another jog it will be...then hopefully some bike time on the weekend.

Then next week???

Stay posted!!

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Post Holiday Post (Oh The Weather Outside is SCARY!!)

Well say goodbye to the holidays....unless you are Ukrainian or Santa.  
What did you get for Christmas??

Yup....that's me.  This is my latest selfie...

Luckily this is how Lois still sees me...

I don't really know how she does it, but Lois never seems to put on weight...even after the holidays...

Guess I just did too much of  this...

And this...

Anyways....seriously, I am currently bouncing around 200lbs.  So my training plan (yes I have one...) includes me getting down to 180 by the end of February.  You can write that down; need to be in fighting shape in time for the Steaming Nostril...the first race on the schedule for 2015.  (No I didn't get in for the Frostbike in time).

Instead of 20 extra pounds, what I was hoping for Christmas was this...

Would have even settled for the fatbike...
Why a fatbike??  I guess in order to conform, and fit in....they seem to be all the rage.  Seriously (again), manufacturers underestimated the demand, and now can't make them as fast as they are selling.

At least at my LBS, they have pretty much sold out.  In fact Paul had to sell his own personal Fatboy to meet demand!  Read the full story on the BW website.

My friend Pinoy recently posted this beauty...but I think this is a little out of control.

Yup, that is really out there somewhere...but not in my garage, and not likely to be.

I think this guy was happy with his Christmas...

And this was NewfieSteve's Weaver over the holidays...

See the resemblance...

Anyways, back to mountain biking and training...

At one point over the holidays, we were getting great weather....and I was able to get in tons of volume; which is apparently a good plan for this time of year.  Was able to mtb, get the CX out, and even the single speed.  Then Mother Nature did a 180 and went immediately frigid!!  WTF??  (Oooops, sorry about the language...)  Crap weather all over the country...

Sorry about the language there again!!

Anyways, I guess we should be happy, we could have the weather they are having in my old stomping ground of Saskatchewan...

Thank you weatherman....

So, this last week has seen me on the trainer (thank heavens for Sufferfest videos!!!), and even doing some running.  Yes that's right running...I said it, and I'm doing it.  Remember, I have 20lbs of Christmas turkey to lose...and I will.  (Did you write that down?)

The running hurts.  I used to run alot, before I started mountain biking.  It was off season training for hockey, and training for when I used to box (a kazillion years ago), so I am hoping I will get used to it again...

I like the cross training, and sometimes a small change from the bike is a good thing.

Anyways, Lois and JJ conspired to get me this over the holidays...

Very cool!  Thank you Janey!!

On a sad note, over the holidays, we have had to say goodbye (for now???) to one of my favourite spots.  Cafe Domestique has shut its doors...

However, there is rumour and hint that it could come back somewhere....sometime.  Fingers crossed!!

Also....I don't know what happened at Rock & Road Cycles post season party, but it must have been good!!  Apparently there was a new Figlet born, a new miscoceptionz on the way....waiting to hear news from Blaze...   John?   Cpt??  Kyle?   Scott??  Anyways, glad I missed it and can't be blamed...

Finally, has anyone seen or heard of EnglishJim??  He seems to have disappeared off the planet...
Could he have been abducted by this guy??

That kind of looks like Jim's bike...
I heard that the North Pond Hermit was arrested over the holidays...

 Kind of looks like Jim....
See the resemblance??

If any of you (at least the two of you...and my mom....who read this blog) see or hear from Jim...let us know!!

Anyways, I guess I should get back to work, or on the trainer, or running.  I have that 20lbs to lose.  Did you write that down??

Stay posted!!