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Is This A Logo??

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!! (Sorry Lance)

Well it’s been so long between posts that even my son gave me hell...bit of a role reversal, but I suppose he is right.  Still...I’m gonna hafta kill him now; if only he wasn’t the son of Superman...
This isn't him...
Anyways, I’m all out of Kryptonite.  I guess I could have made him watch the Lance interviews on Oprah with me.  Watching anything on Oprah is enough to suck the life out of any real man.  Since I’ve watched it I have found myself crying myself to sleep every night, craving Haagen- Dazs and pillow fights.  Well, I still like watching movies that start with pillow fights and end with scissoring, so I think I am OK.
Actually the real reason I haven’t posted for a while is that there hasn’t really been anything edge-of-your-seat riveting enough to post about (not that I ever live the life of Bond...just a lowly Superman).  I have been managing to ride throughout these winter weeks...if you really want to call them winter.  It has been so mild...there were a couple of mid teen (temperature wise) days in January where we actually pulled out the road bikes from winter storage.  Now that was awesome!!  Otherwise, for the most part, it has been just cold enough to keep the trails frozen, but warm enough to be comfortable if dressed properly.  This wouldn’t do it...

Anyways, just been riding to get the base miles in...with structured training planned to start in February.  Remember, you can always check out the Strava widgie on the right to check out my biking activity (I know...nobody gets that bored!).

I have registered for the SteamingNostril Race in March, and for the Paris to Ancaster in April.  And NewfieSteve has agreed that we should team up to do all three of the 8 Hour Races as the duo Team DaNoofie N DaNative this I will get us registered for those.  Also, NewfieSteve is unsure of his full participation in the 24 Hour Summer Solstice due to family obligations (thanks to his newly engaged sister-in-law Joy), so I am contemplating teaming up with Ozzy as a duo team for this race...depending on what the Newf decides.
Actually I originally met Ozzy at a 24 Hour race, where we ended up a 2 man team because three members of our 5 person team bailed early on.
Riot and Ozzy post race...

On a side note, EnglishJim had a brand new (two rides old) custom built titanium 29er stolen from his home about 18 months ago, and it showed up this week (well the frame anyways), in a strange twist of events and sleuthing!!  So he will have a project to build up a second bike. as I said...not a whole lot to comment on lately.  I need more friends to crash, or something.  Or, maybe I need to take a storytelling class so I can make shite up?  Next post...”Riot’s Abduction by Alien Lesbians Mountain Bike Adventure”!!??

Stay posted!!


RIP now little Boothby.  You fought long and hard.  A cherished member of Riot’s sister’s family.


Monday, 7 January 2013

Snowy Mountain Biking – Riot’s Birthday Ride

So we all survived the holidays!  Christmas and New Years in the bag for another year...or until the next end of the world.  I managed to get in a road ride with Fig on Christmas day...yes, a road ride on Christmas in Canada...whoulda thunk?  Which is why it is worthy of mentioning.  I half expected to see this guy but it didn’t happen.

Fig thought he saw Santa’s helper...


But I think he just had too much Rum ‘n Eggnog in his water bottle.
Then after Christmas, the snow hit...and the road bike is set aside.  Hence, it has been a week of snow rides.  Not a lot of speed, but awesome workouts with heavy snow tires slogging through the snow.
Nothing too exciting to report from these rides...except maybe NewfieSteve crashing his bike in my driveway...landing his bike on the hood of Fig’s car (Seriously!  And yes, did ding the hood of the car).  Fig did offer NewfieSteve a spongebath to help aid his recovery...don’t know where that went from there.
For me the most memorable ride of the holidays was Riot’s Birthday Ride.   This day began with me waking up at 4:00am to this...



OK that’s not exactly true, but that is what was on my mind immediately before waking up.  In all seriousness, I did get up at 4:00am but it was to Lois’ snoring.  Lois’ snoring is the only complaint I have about our sex life.
Anyways...I did get up at 4:00am but it was to watch our Canadian Junior hockey team.


However the Juniors blew the tournament, finishing without even a medal of any colour.  Disappointment. 


After the game, I was looking forward to the snowy ride.  At 9:00am 5 of us took off to the snowy trails (Me, Fig, Rich, Paul, NewfieSteve).  Sorry, it was a great ride, great workout, but no one crashed, fell, made peace with their maker, or even bonked (and Fig always bonks!). 
We did, however, finish the ride back at my house for Riot’s chilli...


...and recovery beverages.
Here is the group...

Even Max got in on the action

Then Lois pulled this out as a surprise...





What??  Were you expecting something else??

As the day wore on, different friends came and went...



With the last couple leaving at about 11pm.  After the early start, and the snowy workout, I was spent, done, fini...and I hit the hay.



Ooops, sorry, wrong pic.  That one came from Lois’ camera.  Hmmm?

This is more my style...


Anyways, now the holidays are done, and I am about 400lbs overweight, it is time to get back to the training nutrition plan, and workout schedule.  I would like to get down to 185 lbs as racing weight...but it will take dedication and work.


First real race is not until I do have time.

Stay posted!!