Is This A Logo??

Is This A Logo??

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

A Cooling Post for a Warm Christmas

So after Blaze commented that my blog was getting cold (yeah it's been a while since I posted I guess), I thought I had better get on this.  There has not been alot going on since race season came to  a close.  However, Fig did manage to have both a birthday and 'his' first child (yes a baby) in the last two yes our social medias have been inundated with a plethora of wrinkly, screaming, other-peoples-kid.

I think it's an alien...

Anyways to get Fig are pics of my babies...(and I know he will have to read through cuz he is mentioned later).

OK, maybe not exactly babies...

Here are others of mine...

Some of mine have super powers...

This is my baby brother....does that count??

No?  Well this was someone knocking on my door claiming to be my kid...

Genetic testing got me off the hook though...that and a handful of peanuts (easier than getting Fig out of our house...)

Even NewfieSteve got into the act posting pics of his baby...

Merry Christmas...shitters full!!
Seriously....this is Weaver.

Even CptSydor posted a pic of his new baby...

OK, OK.....enough about babies and such...
Seriously....Congrats to Fig and Helen...and welcome to Ollie!

Anyways...about mountain far as winter riding conditions go we have had quite the variety...from hero dirt, to 6 inches deep of snow (well OK maybe 4 inches...I'm always exaggerating by a couple of inches), to mud, to mud frozen like pavement (or bumpy as hell from hikers footprints).  Enough opportunity to give all of my bikes a great fall workout!

And I cannot believe the number of fatbikes on the trails now.  They are selling faster than the manufacturers are making them...

Here is BWPaul with his fatbike (actually used to be his...someone bought was the only large one he had left).

DanOfSubstance did manage to plan a very nice cross ride....from my house....hosted by me....with chilli and beer provided...
No NewfieSteve, EnglishJim, or Giant this time...mostly Fig (there it is!!) and his crew from Rock & Road Cylcle Club...

Thank you Lois for the fancy pics!

Anyways as I said...not much going on since race season;  just trying to get in as much riding/training as possible.

For now itis time to start with Christmas/New Years celebrations...

That about sums it up for me.  I will have some work to do post-holidays.

In the meantime I wish all my family, friends, and any other unfortunate souls that manage to stumble across this post a wonderful Christmas, and New Years full of joy, love, beer, rum, hockey, and mountain biking.  Not necessarily in that order...

Until then...
Stay posted!!